Lana Del Rey - All You Need
You have a right to live your life
Like no one else does, like no one else might.
If you have visions, come on and live them out.
All you need is some peace while you are here.
Just let go till you are home, dear.
I had a dream when I was young.
I dreamt our lives were going to be found
When we were always waiting to live.
All you need is some peace while you are here.
Just let go let it all, dear. You have the choice to hear the noiseLana Del Rey - All You Need -
Or hear the sweet sound of your sweet voice.
I know I've heard it. I heard it in my sleep.
All you need is some peace while you are here.
Just let go. Don't say no, dear.
Wake up each night at the same time.
Pull up the blind and look outside
And in the orange light the fog is rising.
This is life. The still night. Peace in the quiet.
Happiness is the sky.
Lana Del Rey - Sve što ti treba (Сербский перевод)
Imaš pravo da živiš svoj život
Kao što niko drugi nema, kao što niko drugi ne može.
Ako imaš viziju, dođi i živi ih.
Sve što ti treba je malo mira dok si ovde.
Samo pusti dok si kod kuće, dragi.
Imala sam san kada sam bila mlađa.
Sanjala sam da će naši životi biti pronađeni
Kada smo uvek čekali da živimo.
Sve što ti treba je malo mira dok si ovde.
Samo pusti pusti sve, dragi.
Imaš odluku da čuješ bukuLana Del Rey - All You Need -
Ili da čuješ sladak zvuk tvog slatkog glasa.
Znam da sam ga čula. Čula sam ga u snu.
Sve što ti treba je malo mira dok si ovde.
Samo pusti. Nemoj reći ne, dragi.
Buđenje svake noći u isto vreme.
Popeti se slepo i gledati napolje.
I u narandžastom svetlu magla raste.
Ovo je život. Još uvek noć. Mir u tišini
Sreća u nebu.