Depeche Mode - A Question Of Lust
Like a baby in your arms
Be gentle with me
I'd never willingly
Do you harm
Are all you seem to get from me
But just like a child
You make me smile
When you care for me
And you know
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
Is still important for us though
We realize
It's easy to make the stupid mistake
Of letting go
Do you know what I mean?
My weaknesses
You know each and every one
It frightens me
I need to drink
More than you seem to think
Before I'm anyone's
And you know
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trustDepeche Mode - A Question Of Lust -
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
Kiss me goodbye
When I'm on my own
But you know that I'd
Rather be home
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up crumble to dust
An' it is all of these things and more
That keep us together
Depeche Mode - Pitanje požude (Сербский перевод)
Ranjiv poput deteta u tvom naručju
Budi nežna sa mnom
Nikada te neću svesno povrediti
Izgleda da sve što dobijaš od mene su izvinjenja
Ali baš kao dete me nasmeješ kada brineš o meni
I znaš
To je pitanje požude, to je pitanje poverenja
To je pitanje toga da ne dozvolimo da se u prah pretvori sve što smo sagradili
To su sve stvari i mnoge druge koje nas drže zajedno
Nezavisnost nam je i dalje važna (iako shvatamo)
Lako je napraviti glupe greške i napustiti sveDepeche Mode - A Question Of Lust -
(da li znaš na šta mislim?)
Svaku moju slabost znaš (to me plaši)
Ali potrebno mi je više pića nego što misliš
pre nego što postanem nečiji
i znaš
To je pitanje požude, to je pitanje poverenja
To je pitanje toga da ne dozvolimo da se u prah pretvori sve što smo sagradili
To su sve stvari i mnoge druge koje nas drže zajedno
Poljubi me na rastanku
Kada sam sam znaš da bi radije bio kod kuće
To je pitanje požude...