Joan Manuel Serrat - Temps de pluja
Qualsevol dia al capvespre
darrera de la finestra
sents el seu alè de tardor
trist i dolc es com un plor
que el vent ens acosta
i que truca a la porta.
Ell seu a taula,
el sents allí, no li cal dir una paraula
per saber que ha arribat el fi
el temps de pluja,
temps dèstimar-se a mitja veu,
de collir el que van llencar a tot arreu,
es el temps de pluja.
Cal tornar a buidar l'armariJoan Manuel Serrat - Temps de pluja -
mentre els fulls del calendari
van caient sense fer soroll,
d'oblidar la barca al moll,
quan mai no s'acaba l'amor ni l'estimada
Ell seu a taula,
el sents allí, no li cal dir una paraula
per saber que ha arribat el fi,
el temps de pluja,
temps de estimar-se a mitja veu,
de collir el que van llencar a tot arreu,
es el temps de pluja
a prop del foc,
per a tots dos hi ha lloc.
Joan Manuel Serrat - Rainy Times (Английский перевод)
Any day, at dusk
From behind the windows
You hear its autumn breath
Sad and sweet, it's like a weeping
The wind draws near
And it knocks at our door
It sits at the table
You feel it there, it needn't say even a single word
To know that the end has come
The rainy season
Time to love, softly
To collect that which has been thrown all about
It's the rainy season.
We have to once again empty our closetsJoan Manuel Serrat - Temps de pluja -
As the pages of the calendar
Fall, silent
Forget the boat at its dock
When neither love nor the beloved ever end
It sits at the table
You feel it there, it needn't say even a single word
For you to know that the end has come
The rainy season
Time to love, softly
To collect that which has been thrown all about
It's the rainy season
Next to the fire
There's room for us both