Magazin - Obećanja
Sudbina je na to spala
Da odluči pismo glava mjesto nas
Ne igra po pravilima
I gura se laktovima
Nemoćni smo ti i ja
Bio si mi čista srijeda
Dokaz da je ljubav s neba
Ali nije to što treba Ja bih da je sve po starom
Mome srcu krov nad glavom lijep ko san
Al' nekako mi oči slute
Da od mene pereš ruke
Iz dana u dan, svaki Božiji dan
Bila si mi čista srijeda
Dokaz da je ljubav s neba
Ali nije ko što treba Obećanja, obećanja što si davao/la mi
Tek onako, tek onako
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Sve su manja obećanja
Kao stare karavane
Odnijela su sretne daneMagazin - Obećanja -
Ostavila žive rane Sudbina je na to spala
Da odluči pismo glava umjesto nas
Ne igra po pravilima
A gura se laktovima
Nemoćni smo ti i ja Bio si mi čista srijeda
Dokaz da je ljubav s neba
Ali nije kako treba Obećanja, obećanja što si davao/la mi
Tek onako, tek onako
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Sve su manja obećanja
Kao stare karavane
Odnijela su sretne dane
Ostavila žive rane Obećanja, obećanja što si davao/la mi
Tek onako, tek onako
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Zar je ljubav spala na to
Sve su manja obećanja
Kao stare karavane
Odnijela si sretne dane
Ostavila žive rane
Magazin - Promises (Английский перевод)
Destiny has come down to that
that heads or tails decide for us
not playing by rules
elbowing through
you and me are powerless
you were my Ash Wednesday
proof that loves comes from heaven
but it isn't what it's supposed to be
I wish it all remained the same
a roof over the head for my heart, beautiful like a dream
but my eyes are suspicious
that you're washing your hands of me
day by day, every God given day
you were my Ash Wednesday
proof that love comes from heaven
but it isn't what it's supposed to be
Promises, promises, that you have given me
just like that, like that
has love really fallen to that
has love really fallen to that
promises are less and less
like old caravans
they took away the happy daysMagazin - Obećanja -
leaving open wounds behind
Destiny has come down to that
that heads or tails decide for us
it doesn't play by rules
and elbows through
you and me are powerless
you were my Ash Wednesday
proof that loves comes from heaven
but it isn't what it's supposed to be
Promises, promises, that you have given to me
just like that, like that
has love really fallen down to that
has love really fallen down to that
the promises are less and less
like old caravans
they took away the happy days
leaving open wounds behind
Promises, promises, that you have given to me
just like that, like that
has love really fallen down to that
has love really fallen down to that
the promises are less and less
like old caravans
they took away the happy days
leaving open wounds behind