Magazin - Suze krijem, one padaju
Da mi je još jednom
s tobom krenuti
evo ide zadnja zora
moramo se rastati
evo ide zadnja zora
necemo je čekati Ref.
Ja suze krijem, one padaju
ja drugom idem, one ne dajuMagazin - Suze krijem, one padaju -
i neka teku, neka svako zna
nek' ti kažu kad ne mogu ja Ja ne idem tamo
kuda ideš ti
izdržalo srce ne bi
kada bi se vidjeli
izdržalo srce ne bi
kada bi se susreli
Magazin - I'm hiding the tears, they're falling anyway (Английский перевод)
If only I could
start again with you once more
Here comes the last dawn
We have to say goodbye
Here comes the last dawn
We won't wait for it
I'm hiding the tears, they're falling anyway
I'm going to him, my tears don't let me goMagazin - Suze krijem, one padaju -
Let them fall, so that everyone knows
Let them tell you, when I'm not able
I'm not going there
Where I could find you
My heart wouldn't stand
if we saw each other
My heart wouldn't stand
If we met each other