Magazin - Idi
Lako tebi ti se uvijek
Nekom vratiš
I bez riječi i bez volje
Niti da mu slažeš bolje
Da mu oči zatvoriš Lako tebi sve ti želim
Sve ti dajem
Srebrn' mjesec iznad vode
Što u nebo zorom ode
Kada krenu vlakovi Idi i ti s njima
Idi nek' te svatko imaMagazin - Idi -
Kad me više ne voliš
Idi, idi putuj s njima
Idi južnim gradovima
Putuj dok ne ostariš
Samo ostavi me ti
Kada krenu vlakovi Lako tebi sreću imaš
Na tom svijetu
Ja ni sestre niti brata
U samoći što me hvata
Kada krenu vlakovi
Magazin - Go (when trains go) (Английский перевод)
For you is easy
you are always coming back to someone
And neither with words and will
nor you lie better
to close his eyes.
I wish you everything easy
I'm giving you all
Silver moon among the wather
which goes to the sky in the morning
when the trains go
You go with them, too
Go, let everyone has youMagazin - Idi -
When you don't love me enymore
Go, go, travel with them
Go to southern cities
Trevel until you get old
eave me only
when trains go.
It's easy for you, you have luck
in that world
I have neither sister nor brother
n lonelyness which is catching me
when trains go.