Magazin - Balkanska ulica
Ne prolazim tvojom ulicom
gdje šetaš sa svojom curicom
na te slići slatka je ko toplo pecivo
a ja još te volim neizrecivo Ne prolazim našom prečicom
gdje se igraš sa mezimicom
jamnice joj krase lice kao ljubice
a mene blizu grizu za srce Lijevo, desno, nigdje nikoga
a ja žudim da te poljubim Balkanskom ulicom prolazim
dobar dan tvojima poželim
tebe ne želim ni da vidimMagazin - Balkanska ulica -
jer se opet zaljubim Sjećas li se ono kad smo se
pratili do ugla Balkanske
trčala sam, trčala sam
da stignem na vlak
a na peronu već su dali znak Ako ima Boga zašto me
tjerao da krenem do tebe
neka druga na usta ti usne stavila
a ispod ramena se sakrila Lijevo, desno, nigdje nikoga
a ja žudim da te poljubim
Magazin - The Balkans Street (Английский перевод)
I don't pass by your street
where you stroll with your girlfriend
she looks like you, she is sweet as a pastry
but my love for you is still unexpressible
I don't pass by on our short cut
where you're playing with your darling
dimples adorn her face like violets
and they're nearly biting my heart
Left, right, no one no where
and I crave to kiss you
I pass by the Balkans street
I wish your friends a good day
I don't even wish to see youMagazin - Balkanska ulica -
'cause I will fall in love with you again
Do you remember when we were
walking together to the corner of the Balkans street
I ran, I ran
to make it to the train
but they already gave a sign on the platform
If there is a God, why did he
make me come to you
when some other girl put her lips on yours
and hided under your shoulder
Left, right, no one no where
and I crave to kiss you