Magazin - Često
Prvi puta oči su plakale
prvi puta kada su vidjele
da više nije kraj tebe mi mjesto
od tada plačem često, često Prvi puta usne su lagale
prvi puta kada su kazale,
da mi je kraj tebe
hladno i tijesnoMagazin - Često -
od tada plačem često, često Sad kad stanem, pogledam na sve
zaželim se tebe najviše
da si barem rekao
samo sam se šalio Dobro znam da vrijeme liječi sve
rane bivše, rane buduće
da si barem rekao
samo sam se šalio
Magazin - Often (Английский перевод)
For the first time the eyes cried
for the first time when they saw
that my place isn't the one next to you anymore
since then I'm crying often, often
For the first time the lips lied
for the first time when they said,
that next to you it's
to cold and to narrow for meMagazin - Često -
since then I'm crying often, often
Now when I stop, I take a look at everything
the most, I long for you
had you said at least
I was just kidding
I know very well that time heals all
previous and future wounds
had you said at least
I was just kidding