Nancy Ajram - Sheikh el shabab
Shu wasi2 b 7alo w shu albo awe
w albi min jamalo dayeb mistiwe
kanet oset i3jabsaret 7ob w 3azab
tari shay5 el shabab obo byekwe kawe ka2eno bya3refni w 7aso albo shou 3indi 7aninNancy Ajram - Sheikh el shabab -
ana bes2al 7ali shu 5aso 3am yes2alni b sifato min ?
fakkarto majnoun , ma twa2a3to ykoun
7abibi w nosi el tani li ra7 7ebo b jnoun
Nancy Ajram - Young BOSS )) (Английский перевод)
How self confident and what a brave heart he has!
From his beauty my heart is melted and ripened
It was a story of a crush and now it is about love and torment
It turns out that this young boy, his love searsNancy Ajram - Sheikh el shabab -
As if he knows me and he feels how much I long for him
I ask myself, why would he ask me? What does he represent for me?
I thought he is crazy, I didn't expect him to be
My beloved one and my other half, that I'll love madly