Iron Maiden - The Prisoner
"we want information, information, information."
"who are you?"
"the new number two."
"who is number one?"
"you are number six."
"i am not a number, i am a free man."
I'm on the run, i kill to eat.
I'm starving now, i'm feeling dead on my feet.
Going all the way, i'm nature's beast.
Do what i want, i'll do as i please.
Run, fight, to breathe, it's tough.
Now you see me (haha!) now you don't.
Break the walls, i'm coming out.
Not a prisoner i'm a free man,
& my blood is my own now.
Don't care, where the past was,
I know where i'm going...out!
If you kill me, it's self-defence,
If i kill you, then i call it vengeance.
Spit in your eye, i will defy,
You'll be afraid when i call out your name.
Run, fight, to breathe, it's gonna be tough.Iron Maiden - The Prisoner -
Now you see me, now you don't.
Break the walls, i'm coming out.
Not a prisoner, i'm a free man,
& my blood is my own now.
Don't care where the past was,
I know where i'm going.
I'm not a number, i'm a free man,
Live my life where i want to.
You'd better scratch me from your black book,
'cause i'll run rings around you.
Not a prisoner, i'm a free man,
& my blood is my own now.
Don't care where the past was,
I know where i'm going.
I'm not a number, i'm a free man,
Live my life where i want to.
You'd better scratch me from your black book,
'cause i'll run rings around you.
Not a prisoner, i'm a free man,
& my blood is my own now.
Don't care where the past was,
I know where i'm going.
Iron Maiden - Zatvorenik (Боснийский перевод)
(Potrebne su nam informacije...
Ko si ti?
Novi broj 2.
Ko je broj 1?
Ti si broj 6.
Ja nisam broj, ja sam slobodan čovjek!)
Bježim, ubijam da preživim
Gladan sam kao vuk, mrtav sam umoran
Idem do kraja, ja sam prirodna zvijer
Radim šta hoću i šta me volja
Bježim, borim se da dišem, teško je
Sad me vidiš,sad me ne vidiš
Rušim zidove, izlazim
Nisam zatvorenik, ja sam slobodan čovjek
I moja krv je samo moja
Briga me gdje je prošlost bilaIron Maiden - The Prisoner -
Znam gdje idem...van!
Ako me ubiješ, to je samoobrana
A ako ja ubijem tebe, ja to zovem osveta
Prkosit ću ti
Uplašit ćeš se kad te pozovem na dvoboj
Bježim, borim se da dišem, teško je
Sad me vidiš,sad me ne vidiš
Rušim zidove, izlazim
Nisam zatvorenik, ja sam slobodan čovjek
I moja krv je samo moja
Briga me gdje je prošlost bila
Znam gdje idem
Ja nisam broj, ja sam slobodan čovjek
Živim gdje želim da živim
Bolje me otkaži iz svoje crne knjige
Jer ću te totalno nadigrati