Nawal Al-Zoughby - Mandam 3alaik
3ala galbi kan 7hobbak 7hakem
ya ma kan yenseb leyya ma7hakem
Tefra7h bdam3ee wo sa3zeeb ro7hi
la asaf yenfa3 wa la 2olak nadem nadeim
Mandam 3aleik, dam3 el-nadam ghali
lkhater 3eneik dayya3t ana 7hali
Wo konte azenn innak habibi
El-galbe kan yenshed te3ood leyya
hatta ban jamr el-hawa fiyya
Wo inta tzeed nari wo lahibi
La la ma aloom, ma reedak tani
ma 3ad fee lozoom, nerja3 thawani
La el-zohd yloom wala 7hormaniNawal Al-Zoughby - Mandam 3alaik -
noor el-tani mazloom ma3 el-zabani
i don't care anymore if he made me poor Wo lamma ghab deifak 3ala 3yooni
sabri dab wo e7htarat znooni
Ya tara te7hfaz widadi
3omree ra7h sahhart ana leilee
wagt el-reba7h saber 3ala weilee
and he told my secret the one that is patient of my night
and the separation tired my heart
no it's impossible that my youth comes back
my ill heart won't accept my pain
i can't help that he pays for me
he's attenting to leave and to ease my mind
Nawal Al-Zoughby - Mandam 3alaik (Английский перевод)
your heart used to have control on my heart
it has always been setting me tribunals
you get happy about my tear and my soul's suffering
saying "sorry" or" i regret it" won't do me any good
i don't regret you ,the tears of regret is so precious
for the sake of your eyes i lost my self
while i was thinking you're my lover
the heart was wanting that you come back to me
until the fire has appeared on me
while you uncrease my fire and my flames
no no i don't blame ,i don't want you again
it's no longer necessary that we get back for secondsNawal Al-Zoughby - Mandam 3alaik -
the lonliness of nights and the deprivation won't last
law radeni madhloom ma3odt abali
when your shadow got out of my sight
my patience melted and my thoughts were preplexed
i wonder if you keep my love
my life is gone and i stayed awake at my night
we bserri bah saber 3ala leili
Wo el-foorag adna foo-adi
La la mosta7heel yerja3 shababi
la galbi el-3aleel, yerda b3azabei
Ma 3endi badeel yedfa3 7hesabi
nawi 3al-ra7heel wa rayye7h balei