Nawal Al-Zoughby - Habbaytak
Keteer Bakyt 3oyoony
Keteer Sahrt Jefoony
Keteer 3oyoonak Lamouny
Keteer Keteer
Roo7 Matz3l Mny
Roo7 Ew3a Tezlmny
Roo7 Haga Tehrny Roo7 Roo7 Mn Awl Nazra Est7lytak
Mn Tany Nazra Etmnytak
Mn Talet Nazra Bl Sahra
Admtelak Myet Sahra
7abyet El Sahra We Habytak
Your heart left me a lot
Your love made me wait for you
Your voice bewitched me a lot
A lot a lot
Far away, if your a second away from me Ba3eed Hobak JanenyNawal Al-Zoughby - Habbaytak -
Ba3eed La3ndak khdny
Ba3eed Ba3eed
Mn Tany Nazra Etmnytak
Mn Talet Nazra Bl Sahra
Admtelak Myet Sahra
7abyet El Sahra We Habytak
From the first sight
[b]from the second sight[/b[
From the third sight in the night
I gave you hundereds of flowers
I loved the night, and I loved you
I liked you from the first sight
From the second sight, I wished you to be mine
From the thired sight in the night
I gave you hundereds of flowers
I loved the night, and I loved you
Nawal Al-Zoughby - Habbaytak (Английский перевод)
You made my eyes cry
You made my eye lids stay open a lot
Your eyes blamed me a lot
a lot a lot
Go, Don't be mad at me
Go, Don't hurt me
Go, Don't make me any more angry
Go Go
I liked you from the first sight
From the second sight, I wished you to be mine
From the thired sight in the night
I gave you hundereds of flowers
I loved the night, and I loved you
Keteer Albak Gharamny
Keteer Hobak Natarne
Keteer Saotak Sa7rny
Keteer Keteer
Ba3eed lao La7za 3ny
Your far away, your love made me crazyNawal Al-Zoughby - Habbaytak -
Take me far away with you
Far Away, Far Away
From the second sight, I wished you to be mine
From the thired sight in the night
I gave you hundereds of flowers
I loved the night, and I loved you
Mn Awl Nazra
Mn Tany Nazra
Mn Talet Nazra Bl Sahra
Admtelak Myet Sahra
7abyet El Sahra We Habytak
Mn Awl Nazra Est7lytak
Mn Tany Nazra Etmnytak
Mn Talet Nazra Bl Sahra
Admtelak Myet Sahra
7abyet El Sahra We Habytak