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Nawal Al-Zoughby

El Hawa w Amaylo перевод на Английский

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Nawal Al-Zoughby - El Hawa w Amaylo

مـ الهوى و عمايله و اللي سنين بحايله ده اللي أنا قلبي شايله و ده قلبه و لا حن فـ يوم ياما يا ليل جرالي و لا داري إنشغالي بينام بالليالي و عيوني و لا شافت نوم حنن قلبه يا هوى كنا سوا و يسيبني ليه يوم في بعاده بمية سنة مشتاقة أنا وحشاني عنيه روح و قوله يا هوى إن حبيبه مستنيه روحله يا شوق و قوله ع اللي جرالي كله اللي أنا فيه وصله و إلا أنا مش ع البال أشواقي اللي فيا صعب تهون عليا ده حبيبي و عينيا مهما بعاده عليا أنا طال حنن قلبه يا هوى كنا سوا و يسيبني ليه يوم في بعاده بمية سنة مشتاقة أنا وحشاني عنيه روح و قوله يا هوى إن حبيبه مستنيهNawal Al-Zoughby - El Hawa w Amaylo -

Английский перевод

Nawal Al-Zoughby - Love and its works (Английский перевод)

From love and what it does, and all of these years who I have been trying to persuade him

This is what my heart has been holding, and his heart has never had any compassion

What has happened to me, and he is not even aware of it

He sleeps for nights, and my eyes have not seen any sleep

Soften his heart oh love, we were together, why has he left me?

A day away from him is 100 years. I long for him, I miss his eyes

Go tell him, oh love, that his lover is awaiting him

Excitement, go and tell him all that has happened to me

Has all that has happened to me reached him? Or am I no longer on his mind?

The excitement that is in me, is not easy for me to ignore

He is my lover and my eyes, no matter how long he is away from me

Soften his heart oh love, we were together, why has he left me?

A day away from him is 100 years. I long for him, I miss his eyes

Go tell him, oh love, that his lover is awaiting him

Nawal Al-Zoughby - El Hawa w Amaylo -

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