Nawal Al-Zoughby - Dalaouna
3alada el 3ouna ghaneeli shwayeh
ba3dak ya rou7i betfaker feyeh
we've danced on this song a lot
and how sweet and mad that evening was dal3en dal3en 3alada el 3ouna
hawahom ghayar el louna
ma badi ghair wallah wallah
7abeebi asmar el louna
x2 3alada el 3ouna ya deli 3layeh
ba3dak ya hawa bet3azeb feyeh
if i haven't love you that summerNawal Al-Zoughby - Dalaouna -
and if my eyes haven't been melted with a tender look dal3en dal3en 3alada el 3ouna
hawahom ghayar el louna
ma badi ghair wallah wallah
7abeebi asmar el louna 3alada el 3ouna ya 3aini 3lyahon
ra7o ya rou7i weshta2na layhon
when on the "dableh" we put their hand together
they said that they've been trapping in love dal3en dal3en 3alada el 3ouna
hawahom ghayar el louna
ma badi ghair wallah wallah
7abeebi asmar el louna
Nawal Al-Zoughby - Dalaouna (Английский перевод)
on "dal3ouna" sing to me a bit
you still think about me dear
sawa sho r2asna 3a hal gheneyeh
we sho kanet 7ilweh sahra we majnona
dance and dance on "dal3ouna"
their love changed the colour(the atmosphere)
i don't want any one but them i swear
my brown-teinted lover
on dal3ouna oh what a pity
you still torture me oh love
law ma 7abayna hak el sayfeyeh
wala dabat 3aini benazra 7anouna
dance and dance on "dal3ouna"Nawal Al-Zoughby - Dalaouna -
their love changed the colour(the atmosphere)
i don't want any one but them i swear
my brown-teinted lover
on "dal3ouna" oh how sweet they are
they go oh dear and we missed them
lamma 3al dabkeh shbakna edayhon
aloo bel hawa heneh shabakouna
dance and dance on "dal3ouna"
their love changed the colour(the atmosphere)
i don't want any one but them i swear
my brown-teinted lover