Marisa Monte - Bem Leve
Bem leve leve
quem pouse a pele
em cima de madeira
beira beira
quem dera mera mera
mas breve breve
vele vele
quem pese
dos pés a caveiraMarisa Monte - Bem Leve -
Dali da beira uma palavra cai no chão
dessa maneira
Uma palavra de madeira em cada mão
Jacarandá, Peroba, Pinho, Jatobá
uma palavra de madeira cai no chão
dessa maneira.
Marisa Monte - So Light (Английский перевод)
So light light, take over
Who put their skin over wood
Edge edge, I wish, mere mere, chair
But short, short, take over
Guard, guard those who weigh, from the foot to the skull
There from the edge a word falls on the ground, coffin
This way
A wooden word on each hand
Imbuia, Cherry tree
So light light, take over
Who put their skin over wood
Edge edge, I wish, mere mere, chair
But short, short, take overMarisa Monte - Bem Leve -
Guard, guard those who weigh, from the foot to the skul
Jacaranda, Peroba, Pine, Jatobá, Cabreúva, Garapera
A wooden word falls on the ground
Coffin, this way
So light light, take over
Who put their skin over wood
Edge edge, I wish, mere mere, chair
But short, short, take over
Guard, guard those who weigh, from the foot to the skull
There from the edge a word falls on the ground, coffin
This way
A wooden word on each hand
Imbuia, Cherry tree
Jacaranda, Peroba, Pine, Jatobá, Cabreúva, Garapera
A wooden word falls on the ground
Coffin, this way