George Michael
George Michael

Waiting перевод на Сербский

Текст песни

George Michael - Waiting

well there ain't no point in moving on
until you've got somewhere to go
and the road that I have walked upon
well it filled my pockets
and emptied out my soul

all those insecureties
that have held me down for so long
I can't say that I've found a cure for these
but at least I know them
so they're not so strong

you look for your dreams in heaven
but what the hell are you supposed to do
when they come true?George Michael - Waiting -

well there's one year of my life in these songs
and some of them are about you
now I know there's no way I can write those wrongs
believe me
I would not lie you've hurt my pride
and I guess there's a road without you

but you once said
there's a way back for every man
so here I am
don't people change
here I am
is it too late to try again
here I am

Сербский перевод

George Michael - Čekam (Repriza) (Сербский перевод)

Pa nema nikakve svrhe ići dalje
Dok nemaš negde da odeš
A put po kome sam hodao
Pa, napunio mi je džepove
I ispraznio moju dušu

Sve te nesigurnosti
Koje su me tako dugo zadržavale
Ne mogu da kažem da sam pronašao lek za ovo
Ali barem ih znam
Stoga nisu tako jake

Tragaš za svojim snovima u raju
Ali šta dođavola treba da uradišGeorge Michael - Waiting -
Kada se ostvare?

Pa postoji jedna godina mog života u pesmama
A neke od njih su o tebi
Sad znam nema šanse da mogu da ih pogrešno napišem
Veruj mi
Ne bih lagao povredila si moj ponos
I predpostavljam da postoji put bez tebe

Ali jednom si rekla
Postoji put nazad za svakog čoveka
Pa evo me
Zar se ljudi ne menjaju, evo me
Da li je prekasno da pokušam ponovo

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