Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
How long before I get in?
Before it starts, before I begin
How long before you decide?
Before I know what it feels like
Where to? Where do I go?
If you've never tried then you'll never know
How long do I have to climb
Up on the side of this mountain of mine?
Look up, I look up at night
Planets are moving at the speed of light
Climb up, up in the trees
Every chance that you get is a chance you seize
How long am I gonna stand
With my head stuck under the sand?
I'll stop before I can stop
Or before I see things the right way up
All that noise and all that sound
All those places I got found
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you'd understand
Ideas that you'll never find
Coldplay - Speed Of Sound -
Or the inventors could never design
The buildings that you put up
Or Japan and China, all lit up
The sign that I couldn't read
Or a light that I couldn't see
Some things you have to believe
But others are puzzles, puzzling me
All that noise and all that sound
All those places I got found
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you'd understand
Oh, when you see it then you'll understand
All those signs I knew what they meant
Some things you can't invent
Some get made and some get sent, ooh
Birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you'd understand
Oh, when you see it then you'll understand
Coldplay - Brzina zvuka (Сербский перевод)
Koliko dugo dok ne udjem,
Pre nego sto krene, pre nego sto pocnem?
Koliko dugo dok se ne odlucis,
Pre nego sto saznam kakvog je osecaja?
Kuda, gde da idem?
Ako nikad ne pokusas, nikad neces znati
Koliko dugo trebam da se penjem,
Po strani ove moje planine?
Pogledaj gore, ja gledam gore nocu
Planete se pomeraju brzinom svetlosti
Popni se gore, gore u drvece
Svaka sansa koju dobijes
Jeste sansa koju ugrabis
Koliko dugo cu da stojim
Sa glavom zabijenom u pesak?
Pocecu pre nego sto stanem
Pre nego sto vidim stvari na pravom putu
Sva ta buka, i sav taj zvuk
Sva ta mesta koja sam nasao
I ptice odlecu brzinom zvuka
Da ti pokazu kako je sve pocelo
Ptice su doletele iz podzemlja
Kad bi video, razumeo bi
Ideje koje nikad neces naci
Koje svi pronalazaci ne bi dizajniraliColdplay - Speed Of Sound -
Gradjevine koje podizes
Japan i Kina sve obasjaju
Znak koji nisam umeo da procitam
Ili svetlo koje nisam video
U neke stvari moras da verujes
Ali ostale su zagonetke, koje me zbunjuju
Sva ta buka, i sav taj zvuk
Sva ta mesta koja sam nasao
I ptice odlecu brzinom zvuka
Da ti pokazu kako je sve pocelo
Ptice su doletele iz podzemlja
Kad bi video, razumeo bi
Ah kad budes video, tad ces razumeti
Svi ti znakovi, znao sam sta znace
Neke stvari mozes izumeti
Neke se prave, i neke se salju
Sva ta buka, i sav taj zvuk
Sva ta mesta koja sam nasao
I ptice odlecu brzinom zvuka
Da ti pokazu kako je sve pocelo
Ptice su doletele iz podzemlja
Kad bi video, razumeo bi
Ah kad budes video, tad ces razumeti