Chris Rea - I You Were Me
If you were me
And I was you
If you had to play my part out
What would you do
Two crazy stories
Two different views
If you were me
And I were you If you were me
And I was you
What kind of crazy things
Would I have to do
Who likes to party
Who stays at home
I you were me
And I was you Never like strangers
Though never the sameChris Rea - I You Were Me -
Two circus side shows
That laughed in the rain
You stayed with the full moon
You searched for the stars
Thank God in his heaven
Here we both are If you were me
And I was you
If you had to play my part out
What would you do
Two crazy stories
Two different views
If you were me
If you were me
If you were me
And I was you Submitter's comments: Duet with Elton John, taken from the Elton John Album "Duets"
Chris Rea - Если бы я был тобой (Русский перевод)
Если б ты был бы мной-
В моей роли- странной той.
Два разных взгляда- мир твой и мой-
Если бы я был тобой.
Если бы я тобою был -
И странные вещи я бы творил-
Кто в ресторан- а я домой,
Если бы я был тобой.
Нет, мы не скитальцы- но нас не поймёшь-Chris Rea - I You Were Me -
Мы- два представления, смеялись мы в дождь.
Кто ищет звёзды- а кто под луной-
И бог в небесах, путь туда наш с тобой.
Если б ты был бы мной-
В моей роли- странной той.
Два разных взгляда- мир твой и мой-
Если бы я, если бы я, если бы я был тобой,
Если бы я был тобой (последняя строка x 2)