Mor Ve Otesi - Yaz Yaz Yaz
Neden senle hiç durmadan tartýþýp duruyoruz ki biz
Bile bile üstüme gelmene ne gerek var
Neden dostça ve insanca ayrýlamýyoruz ki biz
Ve bunca yaþanmýþ yýllarýn da hatýrý var
Eðer her gün bu iþkence
Eðer her gün bu karmaþa Mor Ve Otesi - Yaz Yaz Yaz -
Eðer her gün bu kavgaya
Katlanýrým sanýyorsan
Sen de yaz yaz yaz bir kenara yaz bütün sözlerimi
Yanýlýrsam çýk karþýma göster kendini
Belki zamanla teker teker silinirler aklýndan
Anlarsýn ki boþuna geçmiþ bunca zaman
Mor Ve Otesi - Write, Write, Write It (Английский перевод)
Why do we quibble nonstop, anyway?
Why do you need to push my button, intentionally?
Why can't we break up friendly and humanly, anyway?
And also there's sake of all these years we've been together.
If you believe I'll bear
to this tortureMor Ve Otesi - Yaz Yaz Yaz -
to this chaos
to this fight, everyday…
You too; write, write, write down all my words.
If I go wrong, face with me, show yourself!
Maybe, in time, they'll be erased from your mind one by one.
Then, you'll understand all this time's been wasted for nothing.