Madalina Manole - Fara dragostea ta
Cum sa pot trai fara dragostea ta?
Poate ca voi sti, poate voi invata,
Cum s-adun din gand cioburi de cuvant
Si sa fac din nou sa mai planga ploaia la fereastra?
Poate ca nu stiu, poate-i prea tarziu... Cum sa pot trai fara dragostea ta?
Cui sa-i cer acum dreptul meu de-a uita?
Cum s-adun din vant frunze tremurand
Si sa fac din nou sa-nfloreasca toti copacii lumii?
Poate ca nu stiu, poate-i prea tarziu. Si daca pleci vei fi atat de singur,
Cum n-ai fost vreodata-n viata ta...
De ce sa pleci?... Pe cine vei gasi langa tine? Cum sa privesc spre cer fara dragostea ta?Madalina Manole - Fara dragostea ta -
Doar spre nicaieri poate voi alerga...
Cum sa prind din zbor lacrima de dor?
Sa ma rog la ea ca-ntr-o sarbatoare de iubire,
Poate ca nu stiu, poate-i prea tarziu. Si daca pleci vei fi atat de singur,
Cum n-ai fost vreodata-n viata ta...
De ce sa pleci?... Pe cine vei gasi langa tine? Cum sa pot iubi fara dragostea ta?
Ziua de argint, noaptea de catifea.
Clipe de-asteptari... umbra unei gari
Cum sa-nvat s-astept cand se-opreste trenul fara tine?
Poate ca nu stiu... poate-i prea tarziu. Submitter's comments: Another beautiful song of Madalina.
Madalina Manole - Without your love (Английский перевод)
How could I live without your love?
Maybe I'll know, maybe I'll learn,
How could I take from thoughts shards of words?
And to make the rain crying again at the window?
Maybe I don't know, maybe it's too late.
How could I live without your love?
To whom should I ask my right of forgetting?
How could I take from the wind leaves trembling?
And to make all the world's trees flourishing again?
Maybe I don't know, maybe it's too late.
And if you go you'll be so lonely,
As you've never been in your life...
Why would you leave?...Who will you find next to you?
How could I watch the sky without your love?Madalina Manole - Fara dragostea ta -
Maybe I'd run just to nowhere...
How could I catch from flying a tear of missing?
To pray to it as in a love holiday,
Maybe I don't know, maybe it's too late.
And if you go you'll be so lonely,
As you've never been in your life...
Why would you leave?...Who will you find next to you?
How could I love without your love?
Day of silver, night of velvet.
Moments of waiting...the shadow of a rail station
How could I learn to wait when the train stops without you?
Maybe I don't know...maybe it's too late.