Lhasa De Sela - Soon This Space Will Be Too Small
Soon this space will be too small
And I'll go oustide
To the huge illside
Where the wild winds blow
And the cold stars shine
I'll put my foot
On the living road
And be carried from here
To the heart of the world
I'll be strong as a ship
And wise as a wale
And I'll say the three words
That will save us all
And I'll say the three words
That will save us all
Soon this space will be too small
And I'll laugh so hard
That the walls cave inLhasa De Sela - Soon This Space Will Be Too Small - http://ru.motolyrics.com/lhasa-de-sela/soon-this-space-will-be-too-small-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
The I'll die three times
And be born again
In a little box
With a golden key
And a flying fish
Will set me free
Soon this space will be too small
All my veins and bones
Will be burned to dust
You can throw me into
A black iron pot
And my dust will tell
What my flesh would not
Soon this space will be too small
And I'll go oustide
And I'll go oustide
And I'll go oustide
Lhasa De Sela - Curând acest spaţiu va fi prea mic (Румынский перевод)
Curând acest spaţiu va fi prea mic
Si eu voi merge afara
La dealurile imense
Unde sufla vanturile salbatice
Si stelele reci stralucesc
O sa-mi pun piciorul
Pe drumul veitii
Si ma voi indrepta
Catre centrul lumii
Voi fi la fel de puternic precum o nava
Si intelept ca o balena
Si voi spune cele trei cuvinte
Care ne vor salva pe noi toti
Si voi spune cele trei cuvinte
Care ne vor salva pe noi toti
Curând acest spaţiu va fi prea mic
Si voi rade atat de tare
Ca peretii aceste peşteri
Apoi voi muri de trei oriLhasa De Sela - Soon This Space Will Be Too Small - http://ru.motolyrics.com/lhasa-de-sela/soon-this-space-will-be-too-small-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Si renascut din nou
Intr-o mica cutie
Cu o cheie de aurr
Si un peste zburator
Ma v-a elibera
Si voi merge afara
Curând acest spaţiu va fi prea mic
Toate venele si oasele mele
Vor fi facute pulbere
Ma poti arunca
Un vas negru de fier
Si vasul meu v-a spune
Ce trupul nu v-a putea
Curând acest spaţiu va fi prea mic
Si voi merge afara
Si voi merge afara.