Jelena Karleusa - Bas je dobro biti ja
Svaki dan po kaficima
pijem kafu sa mladicima
po buticima vucem se
po sto puta presvucem se Ref.
Ooo...bas je dobro biti ja
bas je dobro biti ja
Ni sa kim se ne bih menjala
bas je dobro biti ja
Ooo...baš je dobro biti ja
baš je dobro biti ja
i kad bih se opet rodila
ja bih opet bila ja Ja nikada ne propustamJelena Karleusa - Bas je dobro biti ja -
nijedno desavanje
ja izlazim onda kad
kad svi krenu na spavanje Rap:
Good morning, here's your fifth double espresso
there is a place waiting for you everywhere, you're feeling so good sister
from the apartment to the car Dolce Gabbana
Cavalli from the car to the apartment, and everyday like that
Good evening, is the Moet Chandon for you?
I'm sorry I'm drinking only Dom Perignon
Others would give everything for a minute in your skin
because wherever you go, you make noise
Jelena Karleusa - It's Good To Be Me (Английский перевод)
every day in the cafes
I'm drinking coffee with the guys
I'm going in the boutiques
change my clothes 100 times
Ooo it's so good to be me
it's so good to be me
I wouldn switch with anyone
it's so good to be me
Ooo it's so good to be me
it's so good to be me
and if i were born againJelena Karleusa - Bas je dobro biti ja -
I'd be myself again
I never miss
any happening
I go out when
everyone go to sleep
Dobro jutro, izvolite vas peti dupli espresso
svuda te ceka mesto, bas ti je dobro sestro
od stana do kola Dolce Gabbana
Cavalli od kola do stana, i tako svakog dana...
Dobro vece, je l' za vas Moet Chandon
izvinjavam se, pijem samo Dom Perignon
druge sve bi dale za minut na mestu tvom
jer gde god ti se pojavis, tu nastane lom