Gülşen - Yesil basli govel ordek
Yesil basli gövel ördek
Uçar gider göle karsi
Egricesin tel tel etmis
Döker gider, yâre karsi Telli turnam sökün gelir
Inci mercan yükün gelir
Elvan elvan kokun gelir
Yâr oturmus yele karsi Sahinim var bazlarim varGülşen - Yesil basli govel ordek - http://ru.motolyrics.com/gulsen/yesil-basli-govel-ordek-lyrics-english-translation.html
Tel aliskin sazlarim var
Yâre gizli sözlerim var
Diyemiyom ele karsi Hani Karac'oglan hani
Veren alir tatli cani
Yakismazsa öldür beni
Yesil bagla ala karsi
Gülşen - the duck with green head (Английский перевод)
the duck with green head
flies away to the lake
she made her egrice** string
she goes dumping (it), to the beloved
my wired crane comes consecutively
pearl (and) coral, your load comes
your smell comes in a colourful way ( or your colourful smell comes)
the beloved sat across the wind)
I have hawk (and) falconsGülşen - Yesil basli govel ordek - http://ru.motolyrics.com/gulsen/yesil-basli-govel-ordek-lyrics-english-translation.html
I have instruments (saz ***) that are used to string
I have hidden words to the beloved
I cannot say (them) across the aliens
so where's karacaoğlan**** so where's
the one who gave the sweet life takes it again
If it doesn't fit, kill me
fix green agaist red