Gibonni - Kad sam nasamo sa njom
Kad sam nasamo s njom
To više nije moja muzika
Već neki daleki ton, hladan Kad sam nasamo s njom
Nisam siguran što osjećam
Kako bih nazvao to, ne znam
Možda besdan? Znači ovo je tren kada ćovijeku postane malo
Kad u svemu što volim na njoj nešto pofaliGibonni - Kad sam nasamo sa njom -
Znači ovo je tren kad sve tude mi Izgleda slatk
I kad sve ono što volim na njoj više ne volim Kad sam nasamo s njom
To više nije moja muzika
Kako smo došli do tog zida? Kad sam nasamo s njom
Nema ničega u jedrima
Polako napuštam brod bez vitra bez vitra Znači ovo je tren kada covjeku postane malo
Gibonni - When I'm alone with her (Английский перевод)
When I'm alone with her
It's not my music anymore
It's some wide key-note,cold
When I'm alone with her
I'm not sure what I feel
How would I call that,I don't know
Maybe abyss?
So this is the moment when it's (all) little to a man
when in everything that I like on her something is missingGibonni - Kad sam nasamo sa njom -
So thios is the moment when everything that is not mine is sweet
And when all those things I like on her I don't like anymore
When I'm alone with her
It's not my music anymore
How did we get to that wall?
When I'm alone with her
There's nothing in the sail
Slowly I'm leaving the boat without wind
without wind
So this is the moment when it's (all) little to a man