Gibonni - Dvije duse
Previše sam gresan da bih bistrom vodom ruke umio
Da sakrio bih lice pred tvojim okom što me bodrilo
I mislit ću na tebe onda kad mi svane sudnji dan
Mislit ću na ljubav koje nikad nisam bio dostojan
Nisam bio dostojan Ni ove dvije duše što nam je Bog povjerio
Umjesto da se ljube ja sam i to iznevjerioGibonni - Dvije duse -
Izdao sam te izdala si me
Bolje nismo ni zaslužili
Ni ove dvije duše što nam je Bog povjerio Koliko sam blesav toliko sam spreman gubiti
Nauči se od mene to što nikad ne smiješ postati
I mislit ću na tebe onda kad mi svane sudnji dan Mislit ću na ljubav koje nikad nisam bio dostojan
Nisam bio dostojan
Gibonni - Two souls (Английский перевод)
I'm too sinful to wash my hands with clear water
To hide my face before your eyes that encouraged me
And I will think of you when my jugment day comes
I will think of love that I wasnt worth of
I wasnt worth of
Not even these two souls that God gave to us
Instead of kissing each other, I failed thatGibonni - Dvije duse -
I betrayed you, you betrayed me
We didnt deserve better
Not even these two souls that God gave to us
I'm as silly as ready to lose
You can learn from me what you should never become
And I will think of you when my jugment day comes
I will think of love that I wasnt worth of
I wasnt worth of