DJ Project - Doua anotimpuri orice luna...era un vis real
Avem doar soare in orice sufletul meu cald
Acum nu mai stiu daca vreau sa fiu o parte din noi
Sau singura-apoi sa uit ochii tai REFREN:
Esti vantul care poarta gandul meu
Esti ploaia care-mi stinge inima
Am doua anotimpuri in suflet mereuDJ Project - Doua anotimpuri -
Cand vii sau pleci din viata mea Doar cuvinte n-or s-alunge
Nimic din ce a fost
Esti ploaia care-ncet ne uda
Nici ea nu are rost Acum nu mai stiu daca vreau sa fiu
O parte din noi...
Sau singura-apoi sa uit ochii taï
DJ Project - two seasons (Английский перевод)
March, every month, it was one real dream
I had just sun every moment, in my warmy soul
Now I don't know If I want to be a part of us
or only myself, then to forget your eyes
You're the wind who bear my thought
You're the rain who quench my heartDJ Project - Doua anotimpuri -
I have only 2 seasons always in my soul
When you come and go in my life
Nothing from what it was won't be
Given away with only some words
You're the rain who slowly wet us
Not even it (the rain) doesn't make sense
Now I don't know If I want to be a part of us
or only myself, then to forget your eyes