Budka Suflera - Jolka, Jolka Pamiêtasz
Jolka, Jolka,
Pamiêtasz lato ze snu,
Gdy pisa³a: 'tak mi zle',
Urwij sie choæby zaraz,
Coæ ze mn¹ zrób,
Nie zostawiaj tu samego, o nie'.
¯ebrz¹c wci¹¿ o benzynê,
Gna³em przez noc,
Silnik rzezi³ ostatkiem si³,
Aby byæ znowu w Tobie,
miac siê i kl¹æ,
Wszystko by³o tak proste w te dni.
Dziecko spa³o za cian¹,
Czujne jak ptak,
Niechaj Bóg wyprostuje mu sny!
Powiedzia³em, ¿e nigdy, ¿e nigdy a¿ tak
S³odkie by³y, jak krew Twoje ³zy
Emigrowa³em z objêc Twych nad ranem,
Dzieñ mnie wygania³, noc¹ znów wraca³em,
Dane nam by³o, s³oñca zaæmienie,
Nastêpne bêdzie, mo¿e za sto lat.
Budka Suflera - Jolka, Jolka Pamiêtasz - http://ru.motolyrics.com/budka-suflera/jolka-jolka-pamietasz-lyrics-english-translation.html
Pla¿¹ sz³y zakonnice, a s³oñce w dó³,
Wci¹¿ spada³o nie mog³o spaæ,
M¹¿ tam w wiecie za funtem, odk³ada³ funt,
Na Toyotê przepiekn¹, az strach.
M¹¿ Twój wielbi³ porz¹dek i pe³ne szk³o,
Narzeczon¹ mia³ kiedy, jak sen,
Z autobusem Arabów zdradzi³a go,
Nigdy nie by³ ju¿ sob¹, o nie
Emigrowa³em z objêæ Twych nad ranem,
Dzieñ mnie wygania³, noca znów wraca³em,
Dane nam by³o, s³onca zaæmienie,
Nastêpne bêdzie, mo¿e za sto lat.
W wielkiej ¿ylimy farmie i rzadko tak,
Wype³zalimy na suchy l¹d,
Czarodziejka gorza³ka tañczy³a w nas,
Meta by³a o dwa kroki st¹d.
Nie wiem ci¹gle dlaczego zaczê³o siê tak,
Czemu zgas³o te¿ nie wie nikt,
Sa wci¹¿ ró¿ne ko³o mnie, nie budzê siê sam,
Ale nic nie jest proste w te dni.
Budka Suflera - Jolka, Jolka do you remember... (Английский перевод)
Jolka Jolka,
Can you recall that summer of dreams
When you used to write: "I'm feeling so sad
Come to me even at once
Do something with me
Don't leave me alone, here, never."
Begging for a drop of petrol,
I ran like a wind
(And the engine was on its last legs)
To be in you again,
Laugh aloud and swear
Everything was so easy these days.
Child was sleeping behind the wall,
as watchful as a bird,
Please good God, correct his Dreams!
You told me that your love was never so big,
And the blood was as sweet as your tears.
I was departing from your arms at pale dawn
A day drove me out but at night I came back.
We were allowed to see the eclipse,Budka Suflera - Jolka, Jolka Pamiêtasz - http://ru.motolyrics.com/budka-suflera/jolka-jolka-pamietasz-lyrics-english-translation.html
It would take ages to notice the next one.
Nuns were strolling through the beach, and the sun setting down
It kept hurtling but couldn't fall.
Your husband in a big world, collecting every cent
To buy Toyota frightfully splendid.
Your husband worshiped an order and a full glass
Once he had fiancée from dreams,
But she was unfaithful to him in a bus of Arabs,
He was never the same again.
I was departing from your arms at pale dawn
A day drove me out but at night I came back.
We were allowed to see the eclipse,
It would take ages to notice the next one.
We were living in a big bath and rarely we
have been crawling into the dry shore.
The magic booze was whirling in our cells
Main goal was just a stone's throw away.
I stll can't imagine how it started in this twisted way
Why it faded, no one knows as well,
I'm surrounded by the others, never wake up alone,
But nothing is so easy these days.