Andreea Balan - Te joci cu mine
Alerg pe plaja cantand
Visez pe aripi de vant
Pana la cer sa ma ridic.
Tu nici nu stii ca exist
Vin mai aproape, insist
Ma privesti, nu spui nimic. Prerefren:
Te-as purta printre valuri
In lumini de foc
Pe nisipul fierbinte
Iubirea ta e-un joc. Refren:
Si te joci cu mine
Ti-e frica de iubire
De parca as vrea sa te mananc.Andreea Balan - Te joci cu mine -
Cred in dragostea ta
Nu mai pot astepta
Am nevoie doar de tine. II:
Cand vara se va sfarsi
Doar cu tine-as fugi
Undeva sa pot visa
(In zori de zi).
Fara masina si bani, fara secunde si ani
Zi de zi sa ma adori. Prerefren:..
Refren:.. III:
Te-as purta printre stele, printre nori
Sa-ti dau iubirea mea
Numai tu, mi-ai rapit inima.. Refren:..
Andreea Balan - You're playing wth me (Английский перевод)
I'm running on the beach and singing
I'm gone with the wind and I'm dreaming
About touching the sky
You don't even know that I'm there
Come closer, come on
You're looking at me without saying anything
I'd take you among the waves
Into burning lights
As we're standing on the burning sand
Love is just a game to you.
And you're playing with me
You're afraid to feel the love
As if I wanted to hurt youAndreea Balan - Te joci cu mine -
I know for sure that you love me too
I can't wait any longer
All I need is you
By the end of the summer
I'd elope with you
To a place where I can dream
(When the dawn breaks)
And forget about cars, money or time
So that you could love me everyday.
I'd take you among stars and clouds
So that I could give you all my love
You're the only one who took my heart