Andrea Antonescu - Vis de iarna
Nu, nu stiu cand a trecut un an
Stau si ma uit acum pe geam
Si imi amintesc ce-am simtit cand te-am vazut
As vrea sa ma simt asa din nou,
Sa fim ca la inceput
Pentru mine cel mai scump cadou
E darul sarutului tau. Gata sa rad, sunt gata sa cant
Astept doar iubire
Gata sa rad, sunt gata sa cant
Astept doar pe tine sa imi spui... Poate eu, poate tu,
Langa-un pom de CraciunAndrea Antonescu - Vis de iarna -
Sa imi spui ca ti-e dor
Si sa ninga usor
Si cand imi vei zambi
Vom fi iarasi copii
Nu stiu ce-as putea sa primesc mai frumos. As vrea sa ies cu sania
Sa ma transform in fulg de nea
Si sa ma topesc cand ating obrazul tau
As vrea sa ma bat cu bulgari iar
Si vreau sa port manusi
Stie ce vreau sa primesc in dar,
Doar ursuletzul de plus.
Andrea Antonescu - Winter dream (Английский перевод)
No, I do not know when a year has past
I am sitting and looking on the window now
And I remember what I felt when I saw you
I wish to fell again that way
To be like we were at the begining
The most precious gift for me
Is the gift of your kiss
Ready to laugh, I am ready to sing
I am waiting only love
Ready to laugh, I am ready to sing
I am waiting only for you to say...
Maybe I, maybe you
Next to a Christmas treeAndrea Antonescu - Vis de iarna -
To tell me that you yearn
And to snow softly
And when you will smile to me
We will be children again
I do not know what I could receive more beautiful
I wish to ride in a sleigh
Turn myself into a snowflake
And meld when I touch your cheek
I wish to fight with snowballs again
And I want to wear glowes
He knows what I want to receive as gift
Just my teddy bear