Seka Aleksic - Moje prvo neverstvo
Hvala ti, sto si tajnu cuvao sve ove godine
i sto mi zivot nisi srusio ko domine Hvala ti, sto me nisi nikada zvao na kucni broj
i sto si shvatio da volim ga ko zivot svoj A tako bih te nocas pozvala
da oteram od sebe jutra siva
bicu sama ovog vikenda
podseti me da sam ziva Ref.Seka Aleksic - Moje prvo neverstvo -
Moje prvo bio si neverstvo
ovih dana setim te se cesto
kad me vredja, kad okrene mi ledja
na tebe pomislim Moje prvo bio si neverstvo
niti ljubav, niti prijateljstvo
jedino sa tobom mogu opet da ga prevarim
Seka Aleksic - My First Betrayal (Английский перевод)
Thank you, that you've kept a secret for all these years
And why you didn't bring down my life like dominos
Thank you, that you haven't called at home
And that you've understood that I love him like (I love) my own life
But I'd want to call you this night
So that I can chase away these grey mornings
I'll be alone for this weekend
Remember me that I'm alive
Ref.Seka Aleksic - Moje prvo neverstvo -
You were my first betrayal
These days I frequently think about you
When he hurts me, when he turns his back on me
I think about you
You were my first betrayal
No love, nor friendship
I could only cheat on him with you again