Seka Aleksic - Impulsi
Ne treba nam, ne treba nam pice ni mrak
Moj dekolte, atmosfera ni miris jak
Da bi ljubav vodili
Potrebni su samo mali impulsi
Ovde je ponoc tacna, ovde su svetla mracna
Ovde je svako svakom ne par I par
Ovde se senke njisu I ubrzano disu
Ovde je svaka pesma nasa stvar
Ritam tuce, tebi me vuce, primeti me
Ref.Seka Aleksic - Impulsi -
Tu vreme brzo tece ovde sam svako vece
Tu nikad nije lose ni dosadno
Muzika ovde nosi tu nije vazno ko si
Ovde je sve pomalo bezobrazno
Ritam tuce, tebi me vuce, primeti me
Da bi ljubav vodili
Potrebni su samo mali impulsi
Seka Aleksic - Impulses (Английский перевод)
We don't need,we don't need neither drink nor darkness
my decollete,atmosphere nor strong parfume
to make love
small impulses are the only thing needed
Here it's exactly midnight,here are dark lights
here everyone is non-couple and couple
here the shadows are waving and breathing faster
here every song is "our thing"Seka Aleksic - Impulsi -
the rhythm is beating,it's dragging me to you,notice me
There time passes fast,here I'm every night
there it's never bad nor boring
music here takes you,it's not important who you are
here everything is a little bit nasty
the rhythm is beating,it's dragging me to you,notice me
To make love
small impulses are the only thing needed