Nicoleta Guta
Nicoleta Guta

Am noroc in toate перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Nicoleta Guta - Am noroc in toate

Ma provoci si simt ca ma placi
Cand m-apropii de tine taci
Pentru tine e doar un joc
Pentru mine nu e bine deloc Refren:
Stiu ca am noroc in toate
Si-am sa risc totul la noapteNicoleta Guta - Am noroc in toate -
Ori te fac sa stai cu mine
Ori ma faci sa uit de tine Cat as vrea sa stiu ce gandesti
Ce vrei tu si ce urmaresti
Si as vrea sa iti dau un sfat
Mai scoate-ti fitzele din cap

Английский перевод

Nicoleta Guta - Am noroc in toate (Английский перевод)

You provoke me and I feel that you like me
When I get close to you, you stay silent
For you it's only a game
For me, it's not good at all

I know I'm lucky in everything
And I'll risk everything tonightNicoleta Guta - Am noroc in toate -
Either I make you stay with me
Or you make me forget you

How I'd want to know what you think
What you want and what you pursue
And I'd like to give you a piece of advice
Stop the whims already!

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