Nicoleta Guta - Am gresit din nou iubirea mea
Am gresit din nou iubirea mea,
Ma iubesti stiu ca ma vei ierta...
Tu imi spui adio...
Nu mai vrei s-o luam de la-nceput,
Pentru mine totul e pierdut.. Hai iubire!inima te cheama.
Hai ascult-o nu iti fie teama,
Spui adio dar nu e ce simtiNicoleta Guta - Am gresit din nou iubirea mea -
Ce rost are sa te minti?
Nu poti sa ma ierti si vei pleca,
Nu pot sa te pierd iubirea mea,
Tu imi spui adio!
Dar nu spune si inima ta,
Hai te rog asculta-ti inïma..
Nicoleta Guta - I was wrong again my love (Английский перевод)
I was wrong again my love,
You love me, I know you'll forgive me,
You're saying goodbye forever
You don't want to start it all over again
For me everything is lost
Come, my love! The heart calls you
Come on, listen to it, don't be afraid,
You're saying goodbye forever but it's not what you feelNicoleta Guta - Am gresit din nou iubirea mea -
What point does it have to lie to yourself?
You can't forgive me and you'll leave
I can't lose you my love
You're saying goodbye forever!
But your heart doesn't say it
Come on please listen to your heart...