Nemanja Stevanović - Uzmi ili Ostavi
"Pomislila mala
da sam dobar i bez mana,
svako vece lala,
praline od marcipana. Al' to vara je
ja nocu jutro nosim,
i tako ceo vek,
kao probisvet, kao probisvet. Refren
Ja nocu ludujem
klubovi su mi adrese,
nikad ne tugujemNemanja Stevanović - Uzmi ili Ostavi -
šta god jutro mi donese. Hiljadu jedna noc
sa mnom bi ti bilo malo,
sad vidi ti
uzmi ili ostavi A sada vidiš ti. Pomislila mala
ubila je sve u meni,
da od vrele krvi
nemam više kap u sebi. Al' to vara je
ja nocu jutro nosim,
i tako ceo vek,
kao probisvet, kao probisvet.
Nemanja Stevanović - Take it or leave it (Английский перевод)
That girl thought I was good and have no shortcommings
every night I bring her tulips and pralines with marzipan
but that deceives her, at night I carry the morning
and like that I spend all my time as a spiv, as a spiv
I wander at night, the clubs are my addresses
I never grieve, whatever the morning brings meNemanja Stevanović - Uzmi ili Ostavi -
a 1001 nights with me would be too little for you
now choose, take it or leave it
That girl thought she killed everything within me
that I didn't have a drop of passionate blood in me anymore
but that deceives her, at night I carry the morning
and like that I spend all my time as a spiv, as a spiv