My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
It's time to do it now and do it loud
KIlljoys make some noise!
(Na Na Na...)
Gimme drugs
Gimme drugs
I don't need it
But I'll sell what you got
Take the cash
And I'll keep it
Eight legs to the wall
Hit the gas
Kill 'em all
And we crawl
And we crawl
And we crawl
You be my detonator
Gimme love
Gimme love
I don't need it
But I'll take what I want
From your heart
And I'll keep it
In a bag
In a box
Put an X on the floor
Gimme more
Gimme more
Gimme more
Shut up and sing it with me
(Na Na Na...)
From mall security
(Na na na...)
To every enemy
(Na na na...)
We're on your property
Standing in V formation
(Na Na Na...)
Let's Blow an artery
(Na na na...)
Eat plastic surgery
(Na na na...)
Keep your apology
Give us more detonation
(More! Gimme more! Gimme more!)
Oh, let me tell ya 'bout the sad man
Shut up and let me see your jazz hands
Remember when you were a madmanMy Chemical Romance - Na Na Na -
Thought you was BATMAN!!!
and hit the party with a gas can
Kiss me you animal
(Na Na Na...)
You run the company
(Na na na...)
Fuck like a kennedy
(Na na na...)
I think we'd rather be
Burning your information
Let's blow an artery
(Na na na...)
Eat plastic surgery
(Na na na...)
Keep your apology
Give us more detonation
And right here
Right now
All the way in Battery City
The Little children
Raised their open filthy palms
Like tiny daggers up to heaven
And all the juvee halls
And the Ritalin rats
Ask angels made from neon and fucking garbage
Scream out "What will save us?"
And the sky opened up
Everybody wants to change the world
Everybody wants to change the world
But no one,
No one wants to die
Wanna try, wanna try, wanna try
Wanna try, wanna try, now
I'll be your detonator
(Guitar solo)
(Na Na Na...)
Make no apology
It's Death or Victory
On my authority
Crash and burn
Young and loaded
Drop like a bulletshell
Dress like a sleeper cell
I'd rather go to hell
Then be in purgatory
Cut my hair
Gag and bore me
Pull this pin
Let this world explode
My Chemical Romance - Na na na (Сербский перевод)
(Na na na...)a
Drogu,daj mi drogu,daj mi drogu,
Ne trebami,ali prodacu ono sto imas
Uzecu lovu i sacuvacu je
Osam noga na zidu
Stisni gas,ubij ih sve
I mi puzimo,i mi puzimo,i mo puzimo
Budi moj detonator!
Ljubav,daj mi ljubav,daj mi ljubav
Ne treba mi,ali uzecu iz tvog srca sta god hocu
I sacuvacu to u vreci,u kutiji
Stavicu X na pod
Daj mi vise,daj mi vise,daj mi vise
Ucuti i pevaj samnom
(Na na na...)
Od obezbedjenja trznog centra
Do svakog neprijatelja
Mi smo na tvom posedu
Stojimo u V formaciji
(Na na na...)
Hajde da raznesemo arteriju
Pojedemo plasticnu hirurgiju
Zadrzi svoje izvinjenje
Daj nam jos detonacije
(Jos!daj mi jos! daj mi jos!)
Oh,da ti kazem nesto o tuznom coveku
Umukni i hajde da te vidim kako mases rukama
Secas se kada si bio ludak?
Mislio sam da si Betmen
I ubaci dimnu bombu na zurku
Zivotinjo,poljubi me
(Na na na...)
Ti vodis kompaniju
J.... kao Kenedi
Mislim da bismo radije
Spaljivali tvoje informacije
Hajde da raznesemo arteriju
Pojedemo plasticnu hirurgijuMy Chemical Romance - Na Na Na -
Zadrzi svoje izvinjenje
Daj nam jos detonacije
I upravo ovde
Upravo sada
U celom gradu baterija
Mala deca podizu svoje prljave,otvorene dlanove
Kao male bodeze ka nebu
I sve dvorane
i ritalinski pacovi
I andjeli napravljeni od neona
I jebenog djubreta,povicite "Sta ce nas spasiti?"
I nebo se otvorilo
Svi zele da promene svet
Svi zele da promene svet
Ali niko,
Niko ne zeli da umre
Zelis li da probas,zelis li da probas,zelis li da probas,zelis li da probas,zelis li da probas,sada!
Bicu tvoj detonator
(Na na na...)
Ne izvinjavaj se
Ili smrt ili pobeda
Na moj autoritet
Slupajte se i gorite
Mladi i pijani
Padni kao caura od metka
Obuci se kao sleeper cell
Radije cu otici u pakao
Nego da budem u cistilistu
Odseci mi kosu
Smetaj i dosadjuj mi
Izvuci oaj osigurac
Neka svet eksplodira...