Mircea Vintilă - Dor de singuratate
Tot cantand povetea lumii, m-am uitat pe mine insumi.
Parca sunt printre postumii, ce i-am petrecut cu plansul.
Cum voi gasi o cale, sa ma regasesc pe mine,
Doamne cumpenele tale s-au strambat fara rusine
Regasire, regasire cum ma arde si ma bate
Dorul fraged si subtire, dorul de singuratate
Dorul de singuratate.
Care munti si care cetini mi-ar lua din oboseala
Am ramas fara prieteni intr-un veac fara rascoala.
Ce durere, ce sageata ma tintira sa ma franga.
Inima sa mi-o strabata, rana mea din partea stanga
Rana mea din partea stanga. M-as culca aici pe piatra, sa imi lege rugii braul
Poarta s-o aud cum latra, si prin ochi sa-mi treaca raul.Mircea Vintilă - Dor de singuratate - http://ru.motolyrics.com/mircea-vintila/dor-de-singuratate-lyrics-english-translation.html
Tot cantand povestea vostra m-am uitat pe mine insumi
In aceasta lume aspra care s-a spalat cu plansul
In aceasta lume aspra care s-a spalat cu plansul. Nu va trece multa vreme, si-o sa fie sa ma vindec
Numarand, nu ca un vireme, ci prin boala unui cantec.
Nu va mai privirti cu ura, nu va mai izbiti ca orbii
Mai taceti putin din gura, priviti sufletele proprii.
Priviti sufletele proprii. Poate suntem toti in culpa, ca nici nu ne stim pe nume
Si ce loc putin ocupa inima de om pe lume
Cu o grea melancolie oameni maximi, oameni minimi
Sa-mi pastrati va rog si mie locul tristei mele inimi
Sa-mi pastrati va rog si mie locul tristei mele inimi
Sa-mi pastrati va rog si mie locul tristei mele inimi
Sa-mi pastrati va rog si mie locul tristei mele inimi...
Mircea Vintilă - Longing for solitude (Английский перевод)
Still singing the story of the world, I forgot myself.
It seems I am among the posthumous, whom I have seen off with weeping.
How will I find a way, to find myself again?
Lord, your balances have become crooked without shame
Rediscovery, rediscovery how it burns me and it beats me
Thin and delicate longing, longing for solitude,
Longing for solitude.
Which mountains and fir tree needles would take me from fatigue
I remained friendless in an age without rebellion
What pain, what arrow was shot at me to break me,
to cross my heart, my wound in the left side...
My wound in the left side.
I would lie down here on the stone, to fasten my belt to the brambles
To hear how the gate barks, and the river passes through my eyesMircea Vintilă - Dor de singuratate - http://ru.motolyrics.com/mircea-vintila/dor-de-singuratate-lyrics-english-translation.html
Still singing your story I forgot myself
In this harsh world which was washed with weeping
In this harsh world which was washed with weeping.
Not much time will pass, and it will be that I heal
Counting, not like a worm, but through the illness of a song.
Don't look at each other with hatred any more, don't lash out at each other like blind men any more.
Be a little more silent of the mouth, look at your own souls.
Look at your own souls.
Maybe we are all at fault, as we don't know each other by name
And what a small place the heart of man occupies in the world
With a heavy melancholy the greatest men, the least men
Please keep for me the place of my sad heart
Please keep for me the place of my sad heart
Please keep for me the place of my sad heart
Please keep for me the place of my sad heart...