Miligram - Nevjeran do groba
Kao u Boga gledaš me
čemu ova ispovijest
žao mi je, sa tobom
ne suosjećam Pognute glave mi dolaziš
pa moju radost previdiš
jer ti voliš da griješiš
a ja da kažnjavam Hajde, priđi mi
za kaznu me poljubi
pobjednik je taj
što sretan gubi REF.
Nevjeran do groba si
neću to doživjeti
pa mi ova duša poželi
da odreknem se ljubavi Ovo nebo voli te
pa mi kaže ne može
nisi dosta patila
i ljubavi uzvratila Gledaj me u oči
to bar znaš
dok u leđa nož mi zabadaš Kao cimet na jabuciMiligram - Nevjeran do groba -
kao noć na prozori
još me trikovi tvoji
mogu zavesti Tvoja slabost liječi me
a tijelo luči otrove
i taj lijek mi je gori
od ovih bolesti Hajde, priđi mi
za kaznu me poljubi
pobjednik je taj
što sretan gubi REF. Sad se vadi tako kako znaš
u oči gledaj me
dok nož mi zabadaš Neka te ne plaši
što te se ne plašim
što se hvalim
s čim se ne ponosim
pomahnitala sam ja
da nisam s tobom ostala REF. Gledaj me u oči
to bar znaš
dok u leđa nož mi zabadaš
Miligram - Unfaithful 'til grave (Английский перевод)
You're looking at me like I'm God
I don't neeed this confession
I'm sorry, but I don't
Empathize with you
You're coming to with your head bowed
And you overlook my joy
'Cause you like to make mistakes
And I like to punish you
C'mon, come to me
Kiss me, that's your punishment
The winner is the one
Who loses with happiness
You're unfaithful 'til grave
I won't live 'til that
So this soul wants
To give up the love
This sky loves you
So it tells me: "No!
You haven't suffered enough
You haven't requited enough love!"
Look at me in the eyes
That's at least you know
While you're sticking a knife in my back
Like a cinnamon on the appleMiligram - Nevjeran do groba -
Like a night on the window
Your tricks can
Still fool me
Your weakness is healing me
And your body is secreting poisons
And that medicine is worse
Than my diseases
C'mon, come to me
Kiss me, that's your punishment
The winner is the one
Who loses with happiness
Now, say what you wanna say
Look at me in the eyes
While you're sticking a knife in my back
Don't be scared
Of me not being scared of you
Of me boasting with things
That I'm not proud of
I went crazy
Why did I stay with you?
Look at me in the eyes
That's at least you know
While you're sticking a knife in my back