Miligram - Ne komplikuj
Eh samo da znam, šta u tvojoj glavi je,
Onda znala bih možda šta i meni je,
i tebe i mene nešto izjeda, al kada plačem,
plačem kad niko ne gleda. Zato ne komplikuj, kada je prosto sve,
sa mnom je sreća dar, a tuge su preskupe,Miligram - Ne komplikuj -
Zato ne kompikuj, kad srce mi otvoriš
i vazduh guši me, reci šta mi to ne govoriš. Koštaće nas to, i misli da je pravi tren,
da me ostaviš, a da budeš ostavljen. I tebe i mene nešto izjeda al kada plačem,
plačem kad niko ne gleda. Ako je večeras sve što imamo , ne otežavaj
čiji kofer biće teži kad odemo, to se u sebi pitaj...
Miligram - Don't complicate (Английский перевод)
If only I knew what's in your head
maybe then you'd know what's going on with me
somethings eating up you and me, but when i cry
i cry when noone 's looking
So don't complicate, when everythings simple
with me happiness is a gift, and sorrows are too expensive.Miligram - Ne komplikuj -
Don't complicate, when you open your heart to me
and air is suffocating me, tell me what you're not saying
It's gonna cost us, think that the moment is right
to leave me, and be left.
Something's eating up you and me, but when i cry
i cry when no one's looking.
if tonight's all we have, don't make it difficult
who's suitcase is going to be heavier when we leave ask yourself