Maximilian - Volumu la Maxim...ilian
Adica, hai, n-auzi ce zice, tanti?
Ar fi cazul sa dam drumu la party!
Sau tu esti ala care-o arde meru anti..
N-ai putea sa ma refuzi nici dac-ai fi dupa gratii
Ca sint natural, ma prinde beatu asta
Volumu la Maxim…ilian
Da bine, cine-I individu asta?
Cu ce sa-ncep, sint adanc bagat in rep..
Cu alte cuvinte, pentru tine-o frec
Da (…) sa traiesc din treaba asta
M-amagesc ca supravietuiesc din treaba asta
Si e ok, doar fac ceea ce-mi place
Dau muzica mai tare, cand nu mai am scapare
Hai, hai, hai, fa si tu la fel
Ha, ha, ha, da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim Adica, hai, n-auzi ce zice, tanti?
Ar fi cazul sa dam drumu la party!
Sau tu esti ala care-o arde meru anti..
N-ai putea sa ma refuzi nici dac-ai fi dupa gratiiMaximilian - Volumu la Maxim...ilian -
Ca asta-I piesa mea de dans si mesaju pacifist
Am auzit voci si toate mi-au zis
Fa sit u albumu dupa o reteta boby,
Ca sa ti-l cumpere snobii
Aceiasi care ma fac sa ma simt ca un impostor
Ca nu ma imbrac de la nu stiu ce hip hop store
Cand tu zici critici, eu zic mancatori
U, u, coltii lor imi dau fiori
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim
Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim Fa si tu la fel, ha, ha, haha
da volumu la: Maxim, Maxim…ilian
Uneori cazi, te ridici, te scuturi, mergi mai departe
Zic viata-i plina de suturi
Sint vremuri grele, da trecem noi si peste ele
Ce nut e-omoara poti fi sigur ca te lasa cu sechele
Toti avem probleme, conteaza cum le facem fata
Nu le da prea multa importanta, n-ai decat o viata
Sau tu esti de-ala care crede-n reincarnare
Daca da, zici ai vrea sa fii in viata urmatoare
Si Atat!
Maximilian - The volume at Maxim...ilian (Английский перевод)
I mean, come on, can't you hear what you say,auntie?
It would be time to start the party
Or your the one who's always anti..
You couldn't refuse me even if you were behind bars
That I am natural, being drunk fits me good
The volume at maxim..ilian
Well..who is this dude?
With what should i start , I'm deeply stuck in the rep..
With other words, i rub it for you..
Yes..(..) i will make a living out of this
I fool myself that i survive from this business
And it's okay, i do what i like
I let the music play louder, when i have no escape
Come, come , come, you do the same
Ha, ha, ha...turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
I mean, come on, can't you hear what you say,auntie?
It would be time to start the party
Or your the one who's always anti..
You couldn't refuse me even if you were behind barsMaximilian - Volumu la Maxim...ilian -
Cause this is my dance song and my pacifier message
I heard voices and they all told me
Make the album "sit" after a "boby" receipt
So that the snobs will buy it
The same who make me feel like humbug
That I dress from any fancy hip-hop store
When u say critics , I say eaters
U, U, their fangs give me the creeps
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume to: Maximum, maximum
You do the same, ha, ha, haha
turn the volume at: maximum, maxim..ilian
Sometimes you fall, you get up, you shake yourself, go further on
I say life is full of shots
There are hard times, but we pass them somehow
What doesn't kill you , be sure that 'll leave you with bad memories
We all have problems, it matters how we face them
Don't give them too much importance, you have only one life
Or u'r one of them who believes in reincarnation
If yes, you say you'd wish to be in the next life
and that's all!