Maximilian - Sophie
E sofisticata man
Tu nu vezi cum se imbraca man?
Nu ai bani zice "lasa-ma"
Tipa asta e o paguba nu e de tine ca-I sofisticata, man
Prea sofisticata man
E sofisticata man
O fii stricata man! Maximilian:
Cu siguranta, stie mult prea multe pentru varsta ei
Uite cum te tine, dupa fusta ei
Bre! Te-a facut din vorbe, doua, O sa-ti aduc mancare la spitalul 9
Nu! Te joci cu focul nu-I de tine (nu, nu)
Nu stiu cum n-ai vazut, are ceva-n privire
N-ar fii trebuit sa uiti un lucru, o fii bine imbracata da-I goala pe dinauntru
Are inima de piatra, e fata desteapta! Tu esti prostul care inca o asteaptaMaximilian - Sophie -
Bre! N-auzi ca joaca in alta liga? N-auzi cand toata lumea striga… E sofisticata man
Tu nu vezi cum se imbraca man?
Nu ai bani zice "lasa-ma"
Tipa asta e o paguba nu e de tine ca-I sofisticata, man
Prea sofisticata man
E sofisticata man
O fii stricata man!
Si n-are ganduri prea mari cu viata ei
De obicei umbla multi dupa fundul ei
Si trec nopti, una dupa una tot nu vrea x2
Sa se bage, pentru ca n-am lozul
Suficient cat sa-I mentina bronzul
trec nopti, una dupa una tot nu vrea x2
Maximilian - Sophie (Английский перевод)
She's sophisticated, man
Can't you see the way she dresses, man?
If you have no money, she'll "Leave me alone"
This chick is trouble man, she's not for you 'cause she's sophisticated, man
Too sophisticated, man
She's sophisticated, man
Maybe she's broken, man!
She knows way too many things for her age, that's for sure
Look the way she's got you, wrapped around her little finger
Yo! She beat you with words, I'm going to bring you food at the madhouse
No! You're playing with fire, she's not good for you (no no)
How come you haven't noticed, there's something about her eyes
Keep one thing in mind, she may be well dressed but she's empty on the inside
Her heart is stoned, she's a smart girl! You're the fool that still waits for herMaximilian - Sophie -
Yo! Can't you understand? She's playing in a different league? Can't you hear everyone saying...
She's sophisticated, man
Can't you see the way she dresses, man?
If you have no money, she'll "Leave me alone"
This chick is trouble man, she's not for you 'cause she's sophisticated, man
Too sophisticated, man
She's sophisticated, man
Maybe she's broken, man!
She has no ideals about her life
Usually, a lot of guys go after her
And nights go by, one by one, and she still doesn't want x2
To get involved, because I don't own the jackpot
I don't have enough to keep her tan, nights go by, one by one and she still doesn't want x2
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