Marwan Khoury - El Bent El Lebnaneyye
هي هي
هي هي قدرت علي بالحب وبالحنين
ملكت قلبي وعنيي
حلوة وماشاله ومين متلها مين؟
there is no one like her!
lebanese girl هي أحلها من الحلى ومعها الهوى بيحلى الهوى
هي عنوان الوفى وجوى القلب هي الدفى
هي هي حلوة وقوية حبيتها وصرلي سنين
ابعد عنها مافييMarwan Khoury - El Bent El Lebnaneyye -
حلوة وماشاالله مين متلها مين هالبنت اللبنانية؟
there is no one like her! والله من قلبي بحبها
بحبها من قلبي وروحي
وعنها لو ببعد عنها لحظة بتزيد جراحي
هي هي الها عينيي
حبها واحلفلها يمين ما اعشق غيرها هي وردها بالعطر مندى
خدها عالقمر العالي
بعشق هالروح لعندها وفيها انا شايف حالي
and i feel proud coz i have her
Marwan Khoury - Lebanese Girl (Английский перевод)
she is the one , she is the one
she's the one who made me love her and yearn for her
she owned my heart and my eyes
she's beautiful and Oh God!
البنت اللبنانية
she's more beautiful than the beauty itself and with her love becomes sweeter
she's the title of faithfulness and she's the warmth inside heart
she's the one , she's the one
she's beautiful and strong and i've been in love with her for years
i can't get away of herMarwan Khoury - El Bent El Lebnaneyye -
she's beautiful and Oh God!
i swear i love her from the bottom of my heart
i love her from my heart and soul
and if i stayed away from her for a little while , my wounds increase
she's the one who she can have my eyes
i love her and i swear that i will never love any other girl but her
her flowers r wet by essence
her cheek on the high moon
i love my soul when it goes to her