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Переводы песни Vă rog s-o primiţi cu aplauze şi pe ultima invitată a acestei seri:
английскийMara Cioineag - Текст песни Vă rog s-o primiţi cu aplauze şi pe ultima invitată a acestei seri
(Virgil Ianţu): Ce faci Mara? Bine ai venit!
(Mara Cioineag): Bine te-am găsit!
(V.I): Spune-mi, Mara, care este numele tău mic?
(M.C): Mara Ioana Cioineag
Mara, ok? But from where comes this name, Mara?
(moldavian form of "l-a pus") That's how my mother named me
(he's making a reference of the moldavian form) ooo she named you, but where are you from?
From Ro
But from wich city?
(V.I): Bacău....m-am gândit că eşti exact din cealaltă parte....eşti ca să zic aşa, moldoveancă.
(M.C): mmm
But what are you?
(she was supposed to say "româncă" (romanian grl) , /româna is the language spoken in Romania)
Mdea, what ever.. how old are you?
4 years old
With what ocasion are you here, with us? (we also call "ocazie" to "hitchhike" so that's what she understood)
By the train
Aaa so you didn't came with a hitchhike u came by train.. but why did u came?
Cause my mother wanted so
(o vrut is the moldavian pronunciation of a vrut so he's kind of joking with that) Cause she wanted so, huh? But why she didn't came?
but she also came... she (points her)
well let's... do u also wanna listen to her talking?
To stay in your place?
But the chair is too small
The chair is too small? But how fat is ur mother? Cause she fits, i think she fits. Well tell me, do you consider yourself a beautiful baby girl?
And the others, how they consider you?
Beautiful as well
Yes? But why do u think that ppl say you are beautiful?
Cause i'm clever
Yes. An interesting answer. And what colour is ur hair?
But why? Is it dyed?Mara Cioineag - Vă rog s-o primiţi cu aplauze şi pe ultima invitată a acestei seri - http://ru.motolyrics.com/mara-cioineag/va-rog-s-o-primiti-cu-aplauze-si-pe-ultima-invitata-a-acestei-seri-lyrics.html
(V.I): Nu. Dar cum a ieşit părul tău roşcat?
(M.C): Aşa mi l-o dat Dumnezeu
(V.I): Ce mai vreţi? Un răspuns corect, dar n-am bani. Bun. Tu te machezi?
(M.C): Nu, nu mă lasă mama
(V.I): Şi de ce se machează mama?
(M.C): Că-i urâtă
(V.I): Măi, cum să fie mama ta urâtă?
(M.C): Păi aşa spune ea că am întrebat-o eu.
(V.I): Păi ea spune că e modestă.
(M.C): Da
she's modest or milliner?
( i think she wanted to say modesta but she pronounced it like moldavians do)
modiesta, a combination *between those 2 words* yes. So do u like herE? (M.C): Da
But why do u think that kids come here?
To tell funny things
Aha. ok then tell me what does ur grandmother do when she drinks her coffee?
talks with her *madams* friends
(again he's amused by her moldavian accent so he asks her in a moldavian note. the words should be "cu cucoanele ei? Şi cine-s acelea?) with her friends? and who are those?
(V.I): Tanti Aglaia (laughs). Am auzit că tu ştii să cânţi ca şi o colegă de-a mea.
(M.C): Da
and what's her name?
that colleague of mine. the one that u know to sing and dance like her
(Nadine pronounced with moldavian acc)
well it doesn't have... *he reffers to that "î" that the girl pronounced and what gave it the mold acc* let's call her Nadine. Do u wanna show me how do u dance and sing like her?
i only know to dance a little
c'mon show me
(V.I): Da de ce crezi că face Nadine aşa?
(M.C): Că aşa am văzut la televizor
(V.I): Da de ce face ea aşa, îi e rău, sau?
(M.C): Că aşa m-a învăţat mamaia să fac de la Nadine
(V.I): Şi ca cine mai ştii să cânţi şi să faci?
(M.C): Ştefan Bănică Jr
show me
(V.I): V-am lăsat. Ne reîntâlnim şi săptămâna viitoare tot aici la "Copii spun lucruri trăznite"