Lady GaGa - Fashion Of His Love
I never was the kind of girl,
That's naturally sure when it comes to love, oh no!
I was insecure, insecure!
But when it comes to you and me
I can't deny this feeling inside,
Oh no, I never felt like this before!
This before, oh, no!
I'm seeing all the signs from above
I'm gonna be the one that he loves
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
Oh yeah
I'm gonna be his first and last kiss,
'Cause honey I was born to be his
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
You know that I'd never cheat on a man
'Cause I'm not like that
I'm physically crafted to be
As fitting as McQueen
But when it comes to clothing I'm bad
I'm fashionably just designed to be grand
Oh and he's no accessory to me
Oh to me, no no, no!
No I just can't seem to forget you
No I can't for just as long as I met you
You're my babe right through
I was made for you (I was made for you)
Lady GaGa - Fashion Of His Love -
I'm seeing all the signs from above
I'm gonna be the one that he loves
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
Oh yeah
I'm gonna be his first and last kiss,
'Cause honey I was born to be his
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
They say you need a strong man
Not just a friend
But baby my search is done
No longer reason to cry or to justify
How I feel for you my love
I'm seeing all the signs from above
I'm gonna be the one that he loves
I was made for loving him
I'm seeing all the signs from above
I'm gonna be the one that he loves
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love (oh yeah)
I'm gonna be his first and last kiss,
'Cause honey I was born to be his
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
I'm gonna be his first and last kiss,
'Cause honey I was born to be his
I was made for loving him
The fashion of his love
Lady GaGa - Moda njegove ljubavi (Сербский перевод)
Nikada nisam bila od onih što su sigurne,
kad u pitanju ljubav je, o ne!
Nisam bila sigurna, ne!
Al' kad smo u pitanju ti ja,
ne mogu poreći taj osećaj iznutra!
Nikada mi nije bilo kao sad.
Odozgo vidim sve znake!
Voleće me!
Stvorena sam da ga volim,
modu ljubavi njegove!
Prvi i poslednji poljubac ću mu biti ja!
Da budem njegova sam stvorena!
Stvorena da ga volim,
ljubavi njegove modu, da!
Znaš da nikad ne bih muškarca prevarila,Lady GaGa - Fashion Of His Love -
nisam takva!
Fizički napravljena da budem
odgovarajuća ko Mekvin.
Ali po pitanju stila, loša sam!
Dizajnirana sam da budem kicoš,
a on, nije mi modni dodatak!
Izgleda da te ne mogu zaboraviti!
Ne mogu za onoliko koliko se znamo.
Duša moja, tu!
Stvorena za tebe!
Kažu da mi treba jako muško, ne samo prijatelj!
Ali, moja potraga je gotova.
Nema razloga za plakanje i opravdanje,
za ono što prema tebi osećam!