Khaled Salim - Kont bafakar
Kont bafakar tool ma ana mashy w ba2ool yah , law sodfa a2abelha . kont ha2olaha 3ally f 2alby , asly 5alas ana nawy a7keelha . kont ha2olaha ana dayeb feeky ,mo3´ram awy b el7elwa 3eneeky
I would have told her that I adore her, and my heart and eyes are longing for her gorgeous eyes, they have spent every minute of every day dreaming of you. Fatet ,Fatet gamby geet atkallem , baset leya ,daret beya , kol el donia ,Khaled Salim - Kont bafakar -
She passed, she passed next to me while talking, and looked at me, and filled my whole world when her eyes looked into my eyes 3adet ,gamby w laken ,ma etkallemtsh ,eah 5awefny , eah mesh 3aref ,
She passed by right next to me and I didn't speak to her, What scared me? I don't know, but after she left I said "next time I will approach her" Kont naweeha awy el marra de , 3aref bel zabt elly ha2oolo w 7afez kol kalamy w nawy ,7elm el 3omr elleyla atoolo Fag2a la2eetha 3eneeha f 3eeny ,fag2a la2eetha , f sanay 2osady ya3ny mafeesh 7aga temna3ny , enny a2ool ba2a el marra de .
Khaled Salim - I Was Thinking (Английский перевод)
The whole time I was walking and saying "oh" I was thinking of what a sweet surprpise it would be if we met
I would have told her what's in my heart because now I am ready to tell her
2alby w 3eeny , ba2alhom yama kol d2ee2a b ye7lamo beeky.
lama 3eyonha ,gat fe 3enaya .
meshyet laken , 2olt ana ha7key ,elmarra el gaya .
I was prepared for it this time, I knew exactly what I wanted to say
I've got all of my words memorized and I'm ready to reach the dream of a lifetime tonight
Just like that I found her in front of me, her eyes looking into mine, in a split second she was standing opposite of me
So now there is nothing that can keep me from expressing what I feel for her this time.
Khaled Salim - Kont bafakar -