Kemal Malovcic - Trag od burme
Nek ti je haram
svaki moj uzdah
i suza sto krene
nek ti je haram od mene sve Na svadbi sam, vidis tvojoj
i nezvane nekad prime
zalud krijem trag od burme
kad na ruci imam tvoje ime
(2x) Ref. 2x
Dosao sam da te vidimKemal Malovcic - Trag od burme -
da tu sliku dam ocima
cinom ovim da ti kazem
da u meni jos te ima Ne kitim se, tudjim ruhom
samo drzim ono svoje
da u meni jos te ima
moj dolazak, potvrda je Mozda ti je sad svejedno
to sto ovdje vidis mene
al zapamti, moj poklon je
prva suza sto ti licem krene
Kemal Malovcic - Trace of the wedding ring (Английский перевод)
May it be a sin to you
Every breath of mine
And tear beginning( to run)
May everything of me be a sin to you
I'm at the wedding,you see; yours
They even allow the uninvited sometimes
I'm hiding the trace of the wedding ring in vain
When I have your name on my hand
Ref. 2x
I came to see youKemal Malovcic - Trag od burme -
To give that picture to my eyes
To tell you through this act
That you still exist within me
I don't adorn myself with somebody else's soul
I just keep that which is mine
That you still exist within me
My arrival is a confirmation
Maybe it is all the same to you now
That you now see me here
But remember: my gift is
The first tear to run down your face