Gergana - Karma
Аз съм съня, който сънуваш нощем.
I am the dream, that you are dreaming at night. Аз съм греха, на твойте дни и нощи.
I am the sin(ful thought) of your days and nights. Cладка съдба, опитай сладката страна.
Sweet fate, try the sweet side. (x2) Припев
(Chorus): Вземи дъха ми ти точно сега,
Take my breath right now, вземи дъха ми "както някога.=how you did once upon a time"
Take my breath like "never before=никога преди" nikoga=never and niAkoga=sometimes(moment in the past) За теб родена съм аз на света*,Gergana - Karma -
I was born for you on this world* за теб родена, аз сам твоята карма.
Born for you, I am your karma. Аз съм мечта, в която си влюбен още.
I am the daydream, which you will fall in love with. Аз съм лъжа, в която вярваш още.
I am the lie, which you will believe in. Cладка съдба, опитай сладката страна.
Sweet fate, try the sweet side. още=still
v koiato si vluben OSHTE=that you're STILL in love with Great! you've only couple mistakes Аз съм греха, на твойте дни и нощи
I saw that in latin you've written AЯ it should be AZ
Gergana - Karma (Английский перевод)
As sam sania, koito sanuvash noshtem.
As sam greha, na tvoite dni i noshti.
Sladka sadba, opitai slatkata strana.
Vsemi daha mi ti totshno sega,
Vsemi daha mi kakto niakoga.
Sa teb rodena sam as na sveta*,
sab teb rodena, as sam tvoita karma.
As sam metshta, v kojato si bliuben oshte.
As sam laja, v kojato vjarvash oshte.
Sladka sadba, opitai slatkata strana.
ще-willGergana - Karma -
v koiato SHTE se vlubich=that you'LL fall inlove with
about sveta its difficult to explain its grammar,forming the words with the different suffixes
We pronounce S but we write it with Z - "aZ"