Generacija 5 - Pseto
Na pustom drumu u praskozorje
neko je zureci u novi dan
zgazio skitnicu bez pedigrea
ulubivsi malcice blatobran.
Zatim je mirno krenuo dalje
sta ce mu sudbina zgazenog psetaGeneracija 5 - Pseto -
on ima mnogo svojih problema,
a ta zivotinja samo mu smeta.
Da li ce zakociti neko
na drumu lizi zgazen pas
svi ce proci on ce ostat
daleko negde iza nas.
Generacija 5 - Pooch (Английский перевод)
On a lonely road in dawn
someone, rushing in a new day
ran over a drifter without pedigree
denting a bit fender.
Then he calmly moved on
why bother with ran over dog's destinyGeneracija 5 - Pseto -
he has his own problems
And that animal was just bump on the road.
Will somebody stop
there's a ran over dog lieing down on the road
everybody will pass, it will stay
far away behind us.