Generacija 5 - Dolazim za pet minuta
Dolazim za pet minuta
Nemoj da bezis, ne budi dete
Samo cu skociti preko puta
Da kupim pice i cigarete Dolazim za pet minuta
Evo ti novine, nesto pronadji
Ploce su negde levo u sobi
Ja trcim dole, sama se snadji (R: x2)
Ne boj se, necu ti nista
Treba mi rame za plakanjeGeneracija 5 - Dolazim za pet minuta -
Treba mi skloniste od buke
Treba mi muzika i stisak ruke Dolazim za pet minuta
Nemoj da bezis, ne budi dete
Samo cu skociti preko puta
Da kupim pice i cigarete Dolazim za pet minuta
Molim te, ostani gde si
Iskljuci telefon, zakljucaj vrata
Treba mi ljubav, a ti to jesi (R: x4) Submitter's comments:
Generacija 5 - I'm coming in 5 minutes (Английский перевод)
I'm coming in 5 minutes
Don't run away, don't be a baby
I'll just go accros the street
to buy some drinks and cigaretts
I'm coming in 5 minutes
here's your newspaper, find something
records are somewhere left in the room
for new words find your own way
I'm coming in 5 minutesGeneracija 5 - Dolazim za pet minuta -
please, stay where you are
turn off the phone, lock the door
I need love, and that's what you are
Don't be affraid, i won't hurt you
I need a shoulder to cry on
I need a shelter from a noise
i need music and a handgrip