Frații Petreuș - Nime-n lume nu se înșală
Nime-n lume nu se-nșală,
Nime-n lume nu se-nșală,
Ca feciorul când să-nsoară,
Ca feciorul când să-nsoară. Prinde patru boi la car,
Prinde patru boi la car,
Mere-n lume dup-amar,
Mere-n lume dup-amar. Prinde patru boi la rudă,
Prinde patru boi la rudă,
Mere-n lume după trudă,
Mere-n lume după trudă. Și când îi dup-un an ori doi,Frații Petreuș - Nime-n lume nu se înșală -
Când îi dup-un an ori doi,
Prinde-ar la car șasă boi
Să ducă truda-napoi. Prinde-ar șasă și-ncă șasă,
Prinde-ar șasă și-ncă șasă,
Să ducă truda de-acasă,
Să ducă truda de-acasă. Duce-o-ar, da' nu să poate,
Duce-o-ar, da' nu să poate,
Că e-a lui până la moarte,
Că e-a lui până la moarte, Duce-o-ar, da' nu să poate,
Că e-a lui până la moarte
Frații Petreuș - No one is wrong (Английский перевод)
No one is as wrong,
No one is as wrong,
Like a lad when getting married,
Like a lad when getting married.
He hooks up four oxen to his carriage,
He hooks up four oxen to his carriage,
He goes out into the world looking for sorrow,
He goes out into the world looking for sorrow.
He hooks up four oxen to his shaft,
He hooks up four oxen to his shaft,
He goes out into the world looking for toil,
He goes out into the world looking for toil.
And when one-two years have passed,Frații Petreuș - Nime-n lume nu se înșală -
When one or two years have passed,
He hooks up six oxen to the carriage
To take his work back.
He would hook up another six and six more,
He would hook up another six and six more,
To take his work away from home,
To take his work away from home.
He would take it away, but it is not possible,
He would take it away, but it is not possible,
Because it belongs to him until his dying day,
Because it belongs to him until his dying day.
He would take it away, but it is not possible,
Because it belongs to him until his dying day.