Fil Tilen - 93
Ne znam jeste spremni, ako niste sad je kasno,
'ko ne zna za pravi tulum sada bude sazn'o,
susjedi su zvali murju jer je bilo glasno,
a tko to radi show u zgradi pitali su jasno. Prvo vani nadrkani svadali se s gazdom,
poslje cagali sa nama i duvali masno,
DJ lozi cure, fure i Fil Tilen MC,
jebes murju, klub nam gori, brate zovi 93. Bridge.
Ajmo na cagu svi, nek zovu 93,
zapalit cemo floor i snimat ?. Sreco baci stikle, pazi, puknut ce potpetice,
danas je party sreco, uzmi si tenisice
i svima javi sreco, nazovi frendice sve,
nek kupe lijek, gumice, dudice, tulum je. Čagamo oko stola, pola konjak, pola kola,
za erekciju andola, gledam malu kako rola,
ja napaljen sam skroz, za finjake imam nos,
vidi mala ima tijelo mozes vozit motocross. Brm, brm, brm,ja, ja bih se provoz'o,
brm, brm, brm, bolje te upozn'o,
ponašam se loco, malo se nalok'o,
fizicki sam gotov, tresnem se sa sokom. Srećo ja sam taj, nemoj biti shy,
nego sa nama daj, ?, bar zarolaj. Bridge,
Ajmo na cagu svi, nek zovu 93,
zapalit cemo floor i snimat ?. Ref.
Zovite 93, izgorit cemo svi,
zovite 93, na flooru piromani svi. ?, piva, frula, male,Fil Tilen - 93 -
podovi se zare, džonovi se pale,
sav se borim, znojim, gorim, molim da me spase,
odmah zovi vatrogasce, vodom nek me gase. Ne treba nam droge, da nam skacu noge,
čagam sve do zore dok džonovi ne izgore,
na podiju je strasno, svatko bi te...
svašta sam ti nasro jer i ja bih te... Sise mjesi, guzu tresi, kad to radis vruce je,
sva si sexy, znas da jesi, meni je to mucenje,
slomi se na beatove, ?,
mala tolko pali mora da je piromanka. Ona ševi, onaj ritam, ona kara, ?,
ona pogledom obara, u njoj sakriva se zvijer,
aj aj aj brate brate bit ce orgija,
seksipil me opija ovo je Utopija. Bridge.
Ajmo na cagu svi, nek zovu 93,
zapalit cemo floor i snimat ?. Il' si gay il' si bi(bisexual),
danas svi su nasrani,
o moj boze svi se loze,
brate zovi 93. Ref.
Zovite 93, izgorit cemo svi
zovite 93, na flooru piromani svi. Ma di su vatrogasci, dali su nam dušu,
nema vise vode, zovi murju neka pušu,
ma neka pušu, ma neka pušu,
neka pušu.
Fil Tilen - 93(As in former phone number of Croatian firefighters, now it's 193) (Английский перевод)
I don't know if you're ready, if you're not now it's too late,
who doesn't know for a real party, now he'll find out,
the neighbors called the cops 'cause it was too loud,
and who makes the show in the building they asked out loud.
First outside all pissed off they were arguing with the boss,
later they were dancing with us and they were smoking weed,
Dj fire up the girls, ? and Fil tilen MC
fuck the cops, our club's burning, bro call 93.
Come on party everyone, let'em call 93,
we will burn the floor and shoot ?.
My luck throw the stilettos, watch out, the heels'll break,
today's the party luck, take your shoes
and tell everyone, call all your friends,
let'em buy drug, rubbers, soothers, it's party time.
We're dancing around the table, half cognac, half wain,
for an erection of andol I'm watching hottie how she rolls,
I'm all hard up, for the weakest I have nose,
look at hottie's body, on her you can drive motocross.
Brm, brm, brm, I, I would ride that,
brm, brm, brm, get to know you better,
I'm acting loco, I'm drunk a lil' bit,
physically I'm done, I'm taking juice.
My luck I'm the one, don't be shy,
come on with us ?, at least roll a bit.
Come on party everyone, let'em call 93,
we will burn the floor and shoot ?.
Call 93, we'll all burn out,
call 93, on the floor're arsonists all.
--------------,Fil Tilen - 93 -
the floors're stoking, the soles are burning,
I'm fighting, I'm sweating, I'm burning, please come to my rescue,
at once call 93, with water make'em cool me.
We don't need the drugs to let our feet jump,
I'm dancing until the dawn, until all the soles burn out,
on the floor is hot, everyone would like you to...
I told you everything 'cause I would like you to...
Bounce your tits, shake your ass, when you do it, it's hot,
you're all sexy, you know that you're, to me it's torture,
break on the beats, ?,
hottie is so hot she's must be an arsonist.
with her look she kills, in her hides a beast,
ay, ay, ay, my brother there'll be an orgy,
sex appeal intoxicates me, this's Utopia
Come on party everyone, let'em call 93,
we will burn the floor and shoot ?.
Either you're gay or bi(bisexual),
today're all fired up,
oh my God they're all fired up,
bro call 93.
Call 93, we'll all burn out,
call 93, on the floor're arsonists all.
Where're those firefighters, they gave us their soul,
there's no more water, call the cops let'em blow on,
c'mon let'em blow on, c'mon let'em blow on,
let'em blow on.